Guaranteed Success,

Every Time

Briebug will guarantee the success of your project if you follow our recommendations including fixing any issues on our dime or tearing up the invoice.

Guaranteed Success, Every Time

Briebug will guarantee the success of your project if you follow our recommendations including fixing any issues on our dime or tearing up the invoice.

Why Offer a Guarantee?

Almost 70% of software projects fail and expose companies to catastrophic financial losses that result in people losing their jobs. Projects fail primarily due to a lack of expert resources who can clearly define requirements, enlist executive participation, manage the agile process, make sound technology decisions, follow current technical best practices and ensure proper test coverage.

Unlike other application development companies, Briebug gives our clients the security they desire by providing proven specialized resources at the right time for every phase of the SDLC of the project and standing behind our work with an unparalleled guarantee.

How do the recommendations work?

If we encounter potential pitfalls, bad technical decisions, excessive complexity or challenges with processes, we will bring them to your attention as a trusted advisor. We will help you understand and document how these issues can put your project at risk and the potential outcomes if not corrected. We will share our recommendations on how to reduce, eliminate or mitigate these risks, the potential costs, and the timing associated with making these corrections.

As your partner, our ongoing recommendations and development efforts will help improve the quality, delivery, and scalability of your applications. Some of the recommendations will simply be suggestions that will benefit the project but are not required. At other times, recommendations will be deemed critical. Critical recommendations will be shared with key stakeholders on the team and will need to be adhered to or resolved for us to continue to stand behind our guarantee. If we are unable to come to an agreement, we will assign that risk to you and do our best to help you make the best of those decisions.

Why Offer a Guarantee?

Almost 70% of software projects fail and expose companies to catastrophic financial losses that result in people losing their jobs. Projects fail primarily due to a lack of expert resources who can clearly define requirements, enlist executive participation, manage the agile process, make sound technology decisions, follow current technical best practices and ensure proper test coverage.  

Unlike other application development companies, Briebug gives our clients the security they desire by providing proven specialized resources at the right time for every phase of the SDLC of the project and standing behind our work with an unparalleled guarantee.

How do the recommendations work?

If we encounter potential pitfalls, bad technical decisions, excessive complexity or challenges with processes, we will bring them to your attention as a trusted advisor. We will help you understand and document how these issues can put your project at risk and the potential outcomes if not corrected. We will share our recommendations on how to reduce, eliminate or mitigate these risks, the potential costs, and the timing associated with making these corrections.

As your partner, our ongoing recommendations and development efforts will help improve the quality, delivery, and scalability of your applications. Some of the recommendations will simply be suggestions that will benefit the project but are not required. At other times, recommendations will be deemed critical. Critical recommendations will be shared with key stakeholders on the team and will need to be adhered to or resolved for us to continue to stand behind our guarantee. If we are unable to come to an agreement, we will assign that risk to you and do our best to help you make the best of those decisions.

Fast and Proven Path to Successful Execution

When you partner with Briebug we become a cohesive extension of your team and rapidly start delivering superior results and transferring best-practice expertise to your team members.

Our clients experience the peace and security they need, and get the recognition they deserve.

Partnership Discovery

Learning about your project and strategic goals, product and technical vision, desired outcomes and aligning specialized resources, executing VMS, MSA & SOW.

Onboarding & Kickoff

Collaborating on your business and technical processes, systems, data model, and architecture to fully engage and integrate with your team.

Project Execution

Daily scrums, sprint planning, backlog grooming and refining, key recommendations, executing sprints, sprint retrospectives, sprint demos, ROI and velocity reporting, and manager support deliverables.

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule a Discovery Call

Take a look at our calendar and pick a time that would work for you to have a phone call to talk about your project.

Client Success Stories

Enterprise High Performance Team Augmentation

Complete Outsourced Development Partnership

Clients Delivering Rapid Innovation

Fast and Proven Path to Successful Execution

When you partner with Briebug we become a cohesive extension of your team and rapidly start delivering superior results and transferring best-practice expertise to your team members.

Our clients experience the peace and security they need, and get the recognition they deserve.

Partnership Discovery

Learning about your project and strategic goals, product and technical vision, desired outcomes and aligning specialized resources, executing VMS, MSA & SOW.

Onboarding & Kickoff

Collaborating on your business and technical processes, systems, data model, and architecture to fully engage and integrate with your team.

Project Execution

Daily scrums, sprint planning, backlog grooming and refining, key recommendations, executing sprints, sprint retrospectives, sprint demos, ROI and velocity reporting, and manager support deliverables.

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule a Discovery Call

Take a look at our calendar and pick a time that would work for you to have a phone call to talk about your project.

Client Success Stories

Enterprise High Performance Team Augmentation

Complete Outsourced Development Partnership

Clients Delivering Rapid Innovation

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